Mail Manager Installation
This setup routine will install the Mail Manager interface in english and german language on your Debian Jessie server.
Based on the installation of Postfix & other components on a Debian Jessie server
after the instructions of howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian Jessie
Author: Dipl.-Inform. Christoph Haas Structure, table- and coloumnnames are same as in the howto of Christoph Haas.
During the setup 3 additional database tables have to be created. Therefore you have to give a DB-user with option to create tables. This could be changed after installation in the file conf/cnf_main.php manually. After installation please check the rights for the files by yourself.
This software is under GNU/GPL license and comes without any warranty.
Feel free to change or customize anything. Anyway if you find it usefull the author Peter Gutwein will be happy about your feedback.
Good luck and have fun.
If you donīt like automatic installation or encounter problems with it, send an email to the author.
After the installation please remove the installfolder.